Airgun Oregon
Registration Fee 2025 AOA GP Event May 1st-4th
Registration Fee 2025 AOA GP Event May 1st-4th
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5th Annual Air Guns of Arizona Air Gun Oregon Extreme Air Gun Challenge
555 Emigrant Creek rd., Ashland, Oregon 97520 – May 1st–4th 2025
Registration/Sign In Practice Thursday May 1st, 2025,
After Sign In, practice on the courses can start at 8:00 am Thursday morning. We must quit by 1:00 pm because the shot
gun club has the range closed for their match, they should be done by 4pm so practice can resume then. Sign in will be
in the clubhouse to the left of the shot gun shooting line on the drive out to the air gun range.
AOA Extreme Field Target Grand Prix – (Friday and Saturday Mornings 8:30am to11:30am)
AOA GP Rules apply: Air Guns of Arizona Grand Prix Rules link Extreme Field Target Rules - Extreme Bench rest
The Extreme Field Target Event will be limited to 45 competitors with match time starting for all competitors at 8;30 am, Friday and Saturday mornings. We will have 15 lanes with 2 targets per lane We will have 3 competitors per squad.
There is a 120fpe power limit .30 calibers or less, PELLETS ONLY - NO SLUGS. Any scope, but your scope power must
be set to 32X or less.
The targets are mostly round swingers painted red, with backstops that will be painted white so you can see your hits
and misses. Any movement of the spinner is considered a hit. The non-shooting squad mates will time, score and spot
hit and misses for the shooting competitor. If you have a spotting scope or binoculars, please bring them.
Competitors will have 3 min. to take their 4 shots. Targets will be set at 15 yards to 110 yards. The target distance will
be posted in the lanes. The smallest spinner is 7/8” and largest is 4”. One lane with 2 targets will be supported, standing
100-yard AirGun Oregon AOA Extreme 100 yd Pellet class Bench Rest – (Friday and Saturday Afternoons and Finals Sunday Afternoon)
The 100 yd Pellet class Extreme Bench Rest relays will be contested on Friday and Saturday after the Extreme Field
Target match and lunch, starting around 11:45 am. There will be up to 3 relays of 15 competitors, allowing for 45 total
participants in the EBR 100 pellet event.
We will bring back the well liked 100 yd Bench Rest “Unlimited 120fpe Slug” class this year.
The relays will alternate between slug and pellet classes. Slugs and Pellets are limited to 120fpe and 35 calibers for
safety and scoring. There will be 20 minutes to shoot your 25-bull card and 5 mins. to remove your equipment from the
bench. Tethering will be allowed in the Unlimited Slug Class. Tanks must be securely placed so you can stay on your
bench during the entire match. Please wait until all the shooters are done, if you finish before the time is up wait
silently and maybe check your card to be sure you shot each bull. Contestants will draw relay and lane assignments upon
arrival and shoot with the same group both days. Relay start times will be reversed for the second card on Saturday
We will keep the number of competitors in each relay as equal as possible. Only 15 can make the finals, so if we end up
with 3 relays of 15, then the top 5 two-day combined scores will make the finals from the 3 relays of 15. The Finals will
be on Sunday after the Long-Range Big Bore Challenge. Only the Finals card on Sunday will determine the winner of the
Extreme Bench Rest Contest.
145 to 300 Long Range Challenge
The 145 to 300 Long Range Challenge Relays will start at 8:30am Sunday Morning.
This year we will have LED light Hit Indicators on the targets, so we will not have to call cold lines and score the targets
between target changes which save a lot of time at the shooting line. We will have 5 lanes/benches with only one target
on each lane at 145, 175, 195, 250 and 300 yards. You will take 5 shots on each target. Hitting the center bull spinner of
the target will light the 10 points flasher and the outside swinger will light the 5-point LEDs, for a possible 50 points per
lane, or 250 potential points for the match.
You will get 5 mins to take your 5 shots. Your gun must be kept on the shooting bench and pointed downrange at all
times. Tethering will be allowed. Tanks must be placed securely on your bench during the entire match. Please wait
until all the shooters are done. If you finish before the time is up. Please quietly wait until all shooters are done.
Match Entry Fees
Match fees are $225.
Match fees include the Awards Dinner/Lunch, but there will be a charge
or donation for the daily brunch/ lunch meals.
Second place Extreme Field Target $ 500
Third place Extreme Field Target $ 400
Fourth place Extreme Field Target $ 350
I'll post the schedule of events with detail a little later.